Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trying New Things

I generally dislike trying new things. It feels like gambling. It's always this feeling of anticipation based on general conceptions about food.  It’s so misleading and totally skews my view on many foods and food products available.

Fish: It has a certain smell… it doesn’t smell good – therefor anything associated with fish or sea creatures must not be good. (note- Because of the foul expectancy, I haven’t had fish other than tuna in approximately 20 years and have NEVER tried lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops, exct…) The exceptions being I tried a piece of octopus once and  I mixed up tuna salad with seafood salad back in college and was swollen and itchy for a few days but had no idea what I ate.

Grapeseed Mayo: sounds like it should be smooth, creamy, and slightly fruity. I took a big taste and it was vial- spoiled tasting- gritty obscenity.

I have made it a point to try some new things/ and some old things. It’s not like I have a lot of food options so I might as well broaden my horizon.

Coconut milk:  I actually picked it up on accident because it’s extremely similar looking to almond milk and was right beside it. Coconut milk is sweet. Very sweet, so only small amounts are needed to wet cereal- Not to be enjoyed as a tall glass with cookies. 
Agave natural sweetener: It’s syrup from a cactus! The light blend is like a honey and the amber is like a maple syrup. It’s great as a sugar substitute- and is better that it's alternatives. 

Shrimp: I was very scared to try this. I’ve been wanting to since I found out my shellfish allergy is just certain types of sea/fishcreatures.  Bill warned me that if was going to try seafood it shouldn’t be at a place like Applebee’s.  I decided to do it anyway and that might be my mistake here. 

Chain of events: Put shrimp in mouth…. bite… hear pop… it was like the moment your teeth break into a grape/lots of little grapes… chewy outside soft inside. This invoked an immediate disgust of texture. Slight gag. The taste itself wasn’t bad. It didn’t have much of a distinct taste at all, it just tasted like the sauce.  I couldn’t get over the texture. 

In other good news: I have completed the 3 month stage of my food allergies. No sensitive foods for 3 months means I potentially have cleared my antibodies to the lower reactive foods and can start trying them (1 serving of 1 allergy. Different allergens may be tried every 4 days with no reoccurrence of one particular item for 2 weeks.) Other words I may try a serving of eggs and then 4 days later try a serving of oats -but may not have eggs again for the 2 weeks from original trial date.

Eggs: I tried a little egg in Chinese food rice.  Results: I didn’t die… it was fine. No major upset.

Oats: Tried a granola bar. Results: Slight intestinal irritation. No long term issues. Mild sensitivity.

Dairy/sort of: I ate 1 cheese doodle. ONE cheese doodle with fake powdered cheese over a rice puff. Result: Stomach discomfort & intestinal issues.  Dairy did rate as my highest allergy. Guess I really have to stay clear of it and its byproducts.

ALSO as my research is pending, I have started to track all body changes.

I can’t get over the changes. It’s been incredible. I have also noticed that my vitamins are really helping to keep me well balanced. I hate swallowing pills so I got them in the form of gummies. I love gummy vitamins.

Vitamin C  is rated highly on my MUST DO list. Not only is it great at stabilizing histamine response, but it’s critical for cellular healing and protein synthesis. Literally every cell in your body uses Vit C. It’s a great boost for your body and a Great product.

My attempts at exercise are always just attempts. I can never stay on a schedule that works for me. I tried P90X/Insanity/Beach Booty/Yoga.  I must say- I like a little of each but I hate cardio.
Yogalates is my perfect fit. Yoga meets Pilates. It’s stretching with muscle resistance due to your own body weight. I love it. I do it roughly every 3 days for 1-2hours.  I know I’m getting results. These photos are taken roughly a month apart from one another.

I would still consider this great

Pooch is gone!!!


YEAHHHHhhhhh    They just dont fit. I wont even tell you what size those are. New wardrobe here I come... again....

Stable/healthy/well balanced/ and feeling good.   Why didn’t I start elimination with exercise earlier?!?!?