Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brief Hiatus- and now for more complaining

It's been a busy month and I've been slacking on the blog.

Food Allergies. I cant say it enough. It's so overlooked.
(Spoiler warning/Just plain warning- This entry is just me complaining a lot)

I find it fascinating that I'm in this whole mess because of how destructive food can be to your body/lifestyle/mood/ and health.  I decided I'm sick of wondering what's going on with my body, I'm going to find out for myself.  I have enrolled in a Masters program at the University of Bridgeport for their Nutrition program. Classes start in 5 days.

I'd like to learn more and help HEAL my body with food. I know it can be done because I'm in mid-process.

Healing is a strange process of epiphanies. You start to feel better and realize what you were doing to yourself. That feeling is followed by the questioning of our food, then the curiosity of our health care. What the heck is going on with our society? The whole concept of mass producing food derived from one main source (like corn ingredients- It's in everything) injected with steroid, coated in repellents, riddled with preservatives, and then given a 2year expiration date is nothing I'm feeding to myself.  It's alterations are making us more sensitive and unhealthy as a population. I have at least 12 allergies to foods that I was living with but was unaware of. It's normal. People live everyday not knowing that they are slowly poisoning themselves with food.

My current status update:
I feel like I'm having a heart attack because of my thyroid levels are high -I'm self adjusting back to normal and I no longer need high doses of medication for this.

Food isn't tasting the same... it keepss changing.  It's so strange. Some days salsa is really great and others its just ok.  This happens with all different foods. Guess it's just the mood I'm in.

Current craving- I want cookies covered in frosting.   Or pickle salsa, that I need to invent. Maybe that's what relish is. Sounds strange (No I'm not pregnant).

I'm cant seem to keep any weight on myself. This in part will be because of my high thyroid levels. I'm searching for ways to get my allergy friendly carbs other that just rice. I'm going to get my blood levels checked soon and I'll be interested to see how the last 2 years of testing relate to each other and my lifestyle change. GREAT RESEARCH.

 I have some before/after photos of when I originally switched from "normal diet" to the gluten free diet alone, and it speaks for itself.

Me in May 2008

Me in May 2010

Clearly the gluten alone was a large alteration in my appearance- 40 pounds and a bra size later. I know there were 2 years that passed between the photos but I literally did nothing else to change my diet or lifestyle at that point in time. When I stopped consuming my biggest allergy, my inflammation went down and my body was able to start processing food & nutrients properly. Self healing. Now that I've cut even more allergies out my diet- my build is the same but I FEEL so much better!!!

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